About Us...

We are dog lovers, just like you!

     Have you ever wished you could spend a bit more quality time
with your best friends, tired of shopping around everywhere
for their needs, ...wish you could get it all in one place?.....
Well, you've come to right place.

We have always had the pleasure of dogs in our lives and took
the extra time and work to keep your dogs in tip top condition as
a part of the deal, it's great therapy for both doggo and owner.
But shopping all over the place for what they need can get tiresome,
so we thought we'd do something about that and ease the load a bit.
...and Woof Woof and Away was born.

We only ship from Australian Distributors and stock Australian made goods as much as possible.
This also keeps delivery times down
because who wants to wait??

Our Mission at woof woof and away dog supplies is to provide a large 
range of good premium quality products at a competitive price
delivered to your door as fast as a speeding bullet!!